Saturday, September 20, 2014

National Bison Range

  We left Glacier yesterday and headed for Bozeman to visit the Museum of the Rockies. We ended up stopping at the National Bison Range since we were driving right by it.  We learned something new about park travel!  You can unhook your trailer and leave it at the visitor center so that you can view the park.  We drove through the range and saw many animals.  For a bison range, the bison were kind of sparse, but we also saw big horned sheep, mule deer, pronghorn antelope, and an elk.  Sydney actually said she enjoyed it!

This guy walked across the road for us.

A male antelope guarding his does.

Bison herd.

The males were busy chasing each other away.

Bison in the distance. 
Antelope herd.

           We are now going the visit the Museum of the Rockies and then on to Yellowstone.

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