Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Heading for South Dakota

  We took two days to get to Rapid City, South Dakota, but we made two stops along the way.  The first was at the Little Bighorn Battlefield National Monument.  This was where Custer and 263 men of the U.S. 7th Calvary lost there lives trying to push the Lakota and Cheyenne Indians back onto their reservation. It was interesting to envision the chaos that happened, while standing in the very spot that it took place.

More information on the Little Bighorn Battle

U.S. Army's 7th Calvary Memorial

Custer's marker and the markers of several others who fell and are buried at this spot.

Part of the Indian Memorial

Markers of fallen soldiers

More markers

Even more markers

  Our next stop was at Devils Tower National Monument.  It is essentially just an igneous intrusion that stands 867 feet.  In 1906 it became the first national monument.

Our home at Devils Tower

One side of Devils Tower

Another side of Devils Tower

A wooden spike ladder that was used in the first climb of Devils Tower


Prairie Dog

Another prairie dog

Sydney in our trailer with a view of Devils Tower

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