Wednesday, November 26, 2014


  We stopped off in Philadelphia on our way to Allentown, PA to spend Thanksgiving with Duncan's brother Martin and family.  We spent a day riding our bikes around Valley Forge National Historic Park.  This is where George Washington and the continental army spent the winter of 1777-78.  There isn't much left of the encampment.  It was interesting to think that the area is only about 20 miles from Philadelphia, which was under British control.

Redoubts at Valley Forge

Enlisted quarters (replicas)

Riding through Valley Forge

George Washington's Headquarters

  We also spent a day walking around Philadelphia where we saw Independence Hall and the Liberty Bell.  
The Assembly Room - The Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution were both debated and signed here.

Independence Hall

The liberty Bell

Benjamin Franklin's grave

  We are now in Allentown and there is sloppy, wet snow falling.  I am not impressed!  We will start heading for Florida after this.

Our house in the snow.

Wet snow in Allentown

1 comment:

  1. Let me guess..."So we're sitting here in Allentown, and they are shutting all the turnpikes down..."
