Sunday, November 2, 2014


  We spent a few days just west of St. Louis. Missouri with my niece and her family.  We had a good time and it was great to finally meet her husband and kids.  Her daughter is just a few months younger than Sydney and the girls had a wonderful time getting to know each other.

  We began our visit with a trip to down town St. Louis and the Gateway Arch.

Standing at the edge of the Mississippi with my niece's kids.

Duncan's feet in the Mississippi.

The Arch

Standing under the Arch.

Barges on the river.

A view of St. Louis from the top of the Arch.

A shadow of the Arch, from the top,

At the top of the Arch with my niece Sonja.

Sydney and my great niece Lydia ready for Halloween.

  We also visited the Purina Park and the World Bird Sanctuary.

Dog agility demonstration at Purina Park.

Lydia loved the friendly bunny.

Go University Park Falcons! 

An eagle at the bird sanctuary.


Bald Eagle

Snowy Owl


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