Sunday, February 1, 2015

Remember the Alamo!

The Alamo is also a San Antonio mission.  It was originally named Mission San Antonio de Valero and was established in 1724.  In 1793 the Spanish officials distributed the Alamo and the other four missions to the remaining Indian residents.  In the early 1800s the Spanish military stationed a cavalry unit here, and it was that unit that began calling the mission Alamo.  It continued to be occupied by the military throughout Mexico's fight for independence.  During the Texas Revolution, the Alamo was occupied by Texian and Tejano volunteers.  It was here that they spent 13 days defending the mission against Santa Anna's army.  The revolutionaries, including David Crockett and Jim Bowie were heavily out numbered by about 10 to 1, and all 200 men fell to Santa Anna's army on March 16, 1836.

The Alamo Church

The Long Barrack

Outside wall of the Long Barrack.

Alamo stonework.

The canon that began the fighting at the Alamo.

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