Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Area 51

We took a trip to Roswell, NM and we found the aliens.  They really are there!  We checked out the International UFO Museum and Research Center.  We then wandered over to Alien Zone Area 51. The museum had lots of information, not only about the Roswell incident, but about UFO sightings, folklore, and investigations in general.  We figured it would be totally pro "aliens are real". However, they actually had more information on how "sightings" and hoaxes have been disproved.  It was actually pretty interesting.  Alien Zone was just plain cheesy and fun!

See, we were there!

This is part of the set from the movie "Roswell".

A display at the International UFO Museum.

It's the scientist in me.

Sydney chillin with the locals.

We were invited for a BBQ.

We got a tour of one of their ships.

Duncan got carded at the local bar, but Sydney had no problem!?

Duncan got his beer.

Some of them got a little too friendly!

This guy offered to show Syd around. We haven't seen her since.

I think he was phoning home.

Gravity was a bit strange there.

They really found hearing about Alaska fascinating.  I think they will visit soon.

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