Sunday, October 5, 2014

Mount Rushmore and Crazy Horse

  Mount Rushmore seemed smaller than I envisioned it would be.  It was pretty cool though.  The Crazy Horse Memorial was actually more interesting.  It is still being carved.  It was started in 1948 by sculptor Korczak Ziolkowski.  He was asked by Lakota Chief Henry Standing Bear to carve Crazy Horse, who was selected to represent the people and culture he had fought for in life.  The Crazy Horse Memorial is still being directed by Korczak's wife and children, though he died in 1982.  The carving is supported through private funding and admission to the memorial. No state or federal funds have ever been used.

Mount Rushmore

Sydney standing in front of Mount Rushmore

A profile shot

Crazy Horse progress

Crazy Horse

1/34th scale model of Crazy Horse to be

Crazy Horse scale model with mountain 1/4 mile in the distance

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